
Cosmos | New Moon in Leo

Sunday’s New Moon in Leo has a potentially confusing energy – on one hand it inspires us to seek the joy, beauty + pleasure in life + on the other hand, it asks us to take responsibility for our actions. Approach life in the coming weeks with curiosity, instead of judgment + discover what feels good to you. We’re asked to relax into the flow of our lives – which is not to be mistaken as a passive effort - as we are also asked to take complete ownership + responsibility for how we are choosing to live + what we say “Yes” or “No” to.

Remember, your soul came to earth at this time for a specific reason - we all chose to be here + learn the lessons that are currently unfolding. The universe supports us in our journey toward our truest self + while everything in life happens for a reason, we must allow the universe to work her magic by listening to our intuition + making that tough decision that deep down, we know is right. The universe has a beautiful plan for each of us, but we must lean into the flow of our lives to experience it.
If there is something in your life you need to let go of or need to bring in, deeply think about how you can take responsibility for all of it + what actions to take to get your life where it needs to be. A good question to ask over this New Moon is – How can I take responsibility for myself + my life + where I want to be?


Theme: Where do I want to be + how can I take responsibility for myself + my life to get there?
How: Get quiet + listen to your intuition. Everything you need to know is inside of you, you just need to listen. Once you feel connected to your Higher Self, set your intentions + map out HOW you can work toward making your dreams come true.

Treat yourself: Palo Santo to clear stagnant energy in your physical space. Incense to quiet the mind’s chatter. Moon Angel Cards to communicate with your spirit guides + allow them to ask thought provoking questions.

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