
Cosmos | Full Moon In Scorpio

Today’s full Moon in Scorpio is aptly nicknamed the “Flower Moon” – with April showers (literally + figuratively) bringing “May flowers”.

The Moon represents our innermost needs – with this month’s moon in Scorpio, we crave deep, intimate connections. We need to feel known, heard + seen. But before we can truly be seen by another, we must connect with ourselves.

Support comes from the Moon's positioning with Pluto - encouraging us to journey into the depths of our own psyche. We may feel a little vulnerable + insecure, due to a challenging Mars positioning. But the universe offers support with the Full Moon trine Neptune + intuition is high. Trust your inner voice.

Work on connecting to self - make sure your goals are clear + yours. Sometimes our ambitions come from complicated dynamics with others or a desire to be valued. Be mindful not to give your power away in the pursuit of love + appreciation. The Moon trine Chiron offers support in healing these difficult parts of our psyche + clearing inner voices that are not our own.

Mercury + Uranus are in a high frequency aspect – pushing us further into a long-standing wake up call. Flashes of deep knowing stimulate the desire to break free of patterns no longer serving us.

Juno conjunct Pluto speaks to the power of commitment. What would it take to commit to your own vision + stand up for what you truly believe in? How can you change (Pluto) the contract (Juno) with yourself +/or others in order to live your truth. The opportunity is there, but you have to take the first step. Deep down, you know what is right for you. Trust yourself.

This full moon:

Theme: Connect to self + get clear with your personal goals.

How: Quiet moments alone (walking, journaling, meditating).

Treat yourself: Beautiful, earthy scents to foster self love. Crystals to support energy + meditation.

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